Headteacher's Welcome
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Honywood School. A school where, through deep and purposeful relationships, we aim to connect with all our communities and build equity and well-being.
I am sure you are well aware of the inequities in society where, through having advantages in life, success is often a given. Well I don’t believe in that. I don’t believe one’s place in society should be determined by one’s past or demographic; the future is a story yet to be written. I believe that anyone can achieve anything through becoming independent and resilient, and through taking ownership of their life choices; no door is ever closed. I believe in curiosity, in learning for learning’s sake, and in equality of opportunity. It is these beliefs that drive me to ensure Honywood remains a place that develops well-rounded individuals that enter society on a level playing field with the academic achievement, cultural awareness and social capital needed to dispel myths of inequity, inspire social mobility, tackle obstacles and achieve their dreams.
My vision for Honywood is that it will act as the beating heart of the communities it serves. We will imbue challenge and aspiration in all our communities through the development of our core values so that all learners achieve happiness, social equity and economic well-being; now and in the future. Our vision will be achieved through focusing our developments on learning centred leadership, personalised learning and developing a capital-enhancing curriculum that produces high-achieving individuals who are highly sought after.
I believe that successful learners are lifelong learners – each one following a personal journey. An education at Honywood is about so much more than going to lessons and sitting exams to satisfy performance tables. We are developing independence and resilience in all our learners and staff by focusing firmly on building positive relationships and a culture of challenge, aspiration and innovation. Central to this aim is our dual focus curriculum and our work to advance our core entitlement to enrichment and opportunity through the development of moral, social, cultural, knowledge and professional capital.
The curriculum at Honywood is academically challenging, broad and balanced. It is designed with aspiration in mind. Knowledge of each discipline is acquired through a rigorous focus on academic pursuits that challenge, inspire, enrich and ignite; we expect our teaching to challenge youngsters to achieve highly. The acquisition of knowledge will be achieved through deepening their own understanding of self and approach to learning through recognising and reflecting on the development of their own learning attributes.
We are doing this so that our learners are fully prepared to embrace society, now and in the future. Our capital-enhancing curriculum is designed to equip learners with the disciplinary knowledge and vocabulary needed to achieve above average academic and social outcomes when compared to their peers nationally. They will enter society able to compete on an equitable level, and more importantly, our preparation will help them to stay there.
At Honywood we have a strong learning focused culture and ethos; we strive to bond together through living out the core values of: equity; respect; relationships; resilience; independence, and innovation.
Please explore this site to learn about our approach to learning and the opportunities that our young people, staff and community engage in. We welcome you to our school.