Inclement weather

In the past we have had to interrupt our young people’s education on a small number of occasions as a consequence of severe weather conditions. However, in spite of some really challenging weather conditions at times, we have been able to continue offering access to learning to our young people throughout the winter months by following procedures we have developed over the years. As we move into that part of the year where poor weather is likely to affect us, I’d like to take this opportunity of reminding our community of the procedures we adopt when weather conditions are especially inclement.

The procedure in light of bad weather during winter will, therefore, be as follows:

1.  From 7:00am on any day where weather looks like it could prevent us from opening, our website will state one of three things:

School Open
School Closed
Inclement weather procedure in place

If the third option has been adopted, by clicking on the appropriate text, families will see a detailed reminder of what the procedure involves. We will also send a group call message to families, confirming as to whether the school is open, closed or following our inclement weather procedure.

2.  If the “inclement weather procedure” is in place, learners should delay their journey into school, aiming to arrive for 9:45. School buses will be informed and will collect learners one hour later than usual (please note that buses operating a service available to the public, such as the number 70 from Braintree, will not be influenced by any decision we take about school opening and would need to be contacted directly by families to ascertain the service they would be offering during inclement weather).

3.  The day will then run as follows:

9.45 AM Registration
9.50 Learning Session 1
10.45 Break
11.05 Learning Session 2
12.00 Movement Time
12.05 Learning Session 3
1.00 Break
1.20 PM Registration
1.30 Learning Session 4
2.25 Learners depart - School Closed

If we are concerned about break time safety, learners will be instructed to remain in the building through these two fifteen minute sessions, with staff on duty to ensure the safety of our young people is maintained. Should this bad weather procedure be adopted, learners are encouraged to bring a packed lunch to school as catering arrangements will be limited during the available time. Buses will be organised to take learners home at 2:25.

In the last few years we have developed an approach on days when it simply is not safe to open the school by using our school computer network to ensure learning is provided for our youngsters to complete electronically in the safety of their own homes – this has been made even more possible by us issuing each learner with their own iPad device. On any day where we do have to shut this winter, we will operate an e-learning day.  By 9:50am on the day, learners will find that specific learning tasks for their classes will have been set via Google Classroom. Should we be running an e-learning day, details will be placed on our website by 7:00am. Should any family be concerned that they will not be in a position to support an e-learning day, please write to me so that we can try to find a solution in advance of any poor weather affecting learning this winter. It may, of course, now be the case that we do not have a situation where inclement weather causes us concern this winter. However, should you need further clarification as to our procedures, please contact us. 

James Saunders - Updated October 2021